Nnadia helps to fight crime in the New Year
Date : Jan 1, 2003
Source: Apple Daily

Nnadia was recently appointed the Anti-Crime Star, responsible for spreading and promoting anti-crime messages.
A few days ago, Nnadia even visited the Wong Chuk Hang Police Training School, which opened her eyes. She said, "Inside (the Tactical Training Complex of the PTS), there are many backdrops such as Karaoke bars, streets, theaters, food kiosks and even basketball courts. They looks like the real ones." Nnadia will sing the theme song for the Anti-Crime Ambassador project later. When reporters asked Nnadia how she views the recent problems with artists breaking the laws and possessing drugs, Nnadia thinks artists should be good models. She said, "Even (a person) if a person does something wrong, if s/he admitts it, people will forgive him/her and show sympathy. On the other hand, if (s/he) denies it, there will definitely be bad consequences." Therefore, Nnadia hopes that the coming year (2003) will be a peaceful one without many unhappy things that happened the previous year (2002).

Special thanks to NCIFC for providing the translation